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Congratulations to Gratte Brothers!

It’s time to celebrate some great news! We are proud to share that Remi Suzan has taken on the role of Managing Director at Gratte Brothers. More than just a title; it's a testament to dedication, hard work, and exceptional leadership skills.

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Allstar Tiling Upgrades to Evolution Mx for Enhanced Business Operations

Allstar Tiling, a leading Irish tiling contractor headquartered in Thurles, Co Tipperary has happily announced its decision to transition to the Evolution Mx system for streamlined business management. Previously utilising Sage for their accounts, the company sought a comprehensive solution to enhance their purchase ordering price management and project cost analysis capabilities along with a construction focussed accounting and project costing system.

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Growing to new heights with Grangewood Southern

London based Grangewood has been transforming lives with their expertly refurbished residential buildings for over 25 years. Grangewood Southern was created in 2016 to provide the passion, craft and quality of service previously established to properties outside of London and across the south of the country.

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