Collins Contractors Ltd provides a comprehensive range of building refurbishments and has been in business since 1929. Based in Orpington, Kent, they have an excellent working relationship with Local Authorities and Housing Trusts.
After several years of using the Evolution ecosystem, the team at Collins have decided to upgrade to Evolution Mx, our most powerful and versatile accounting and management software.
Everyone at the business takes pride in their attention to detail and track record of reliability, with Evolution Mx they will be able to seamlessly manage their data and continue their stellar reputation.
With Evolution Mx and its advanced document management, the team at Collins will have the ability to easily access all their data from one centralised location, promoting efficient and accurate operation.
Sales Director Wasim Ahmed says: “We’re proud to continue an amazing relationship with a client like Collins Ltd. They constantly strive for improvement, and I look forward to helping them find new efficiency with our dedicated software solution.”