Kirkman and Jourdain Ltd reaping the benefits of Invoice Register
We caught up with Jonathan Ainsley, Financial Controller at Kirkman and Jourdain Ltd, to find out about their experience of our popular Invoice Register software.
"We have been using this piece of software for nearly a year now and are very pleased with the results.
"All our purchase ledger suppliers email us their purchase invoices to our dedicated email address and the invoices automatically appear in our Evolution Mx software on a 24/7 basis. The invoices sit in a list formation with an automated ID number and also shows the email address so we can see who they are from.
"When processing the invoice we simply click on it and the image of the invoice shows on the left hand side of the screen and we then input the invoice details on the right hand side, all on just one screen. The image of the invoice then stays with the posting entry in the accounts software and can be viewed when necessary. If an email contains anything that is not an invoice, we simply click the “invalid” button and it moves it into another folder in the software.
Jonathan went on to say, "Posting invoices in this way has saved us a lot of time by not having to bar-code the paper invoice and then scan the paper invoices onto our scanner as we used to do and then work through a pile of paper invoices entering them onto the Evolution M purchase ledger using three input screens. It is so much easier now, as a lot of the work is done for you."
"It has also been of huge help during the COVID Pandemic as we have all been working remotely from home as we haven’t had the need to go into the office to open the post, bar-code and scan invoices as we did before. This has allowed our purchase ledger team to carry on getting the invoices onto our accounts software without any interruption or traveling to the office to pick up invoices and scan them etc. Invoices can’t get lost and we can keep our purchase ledger up to date with a quicker turnaround time," says Jonathan.
"We are now looking forward to getting the new Subcontractor Invoice Register Software set up and running and benefit from the time-saving and efficiencies that this will also bring."
Book your Invoice Register demo
If you'd like to see how Invoice Register could speed up your invoice processing time and make your Accounts team more efficient, book your demonstration today.

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We have been providing construction software solutions to UK and Irish construction businesses for more than 40 years, and our fully-integrated construction accounting software is used by more than 1,000 leading construction businesses.
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