BDB Special Projects Ltd are based out of Bury, Greater Manchester and specialise in Civil Engineering, Concrete & Structure Repair and Specialist Deep Drainage Installations.
For several years, the business has tried to manage with Sage 50 Accounts and additional spreadsheets for recording jobs, costs and sales but recognised they were often dealing with data after the event and duplicating work for staff and Directors which lost time and effort. The business realised that this didn’t make sense and looked to Integrity to provide a single-construction specific solution for the management of Prelims, Subcontract work, Materials, Plant and all other areas. The business grasped that ordering, invoicing, authorisation, and subcontract applications handling could all be re-vamped using Evolution Mx.
With Evolution Mx managing everything from contract costs to accounts, to buying and much more in a single system it made logical sense to adopt the one system for all updates which then supported its management reporting.
Integrity Software welcomes the BDB Special Projects Ltd team and looks forward to supporting the business over the coming years.