
Upgrading to construction-specific software: more straightforward than it looks?

The benefits of using construction-specific software to manage your accounts & job costing processes more efficiently and to ensure that your business remains compliant are tenfold, but some business owners are understandably put off by the idea that upgrading could prove complex and disruptive. However while Integrity’s construction accounting software is thorough, intelligent and will require you to make changes to your current systems, our software is also user-friendly enough to make the process of changing systems more straightforward than you’d imagine. In a nutshell, Integrity will manage a significant portion of the heavy lifting throughout the process, and will then both provide training and remain on standby to provide you with all of the support you need. In this article, we will speed you through the process of changing your system, just to show you how straightforward it is!

Demonstration and planning

You shouldn’t buy anything without trying it first, which is why we spend significant time with you demonstrating the software in as much detail as required, before any decisions are made. As well as giving you a chance to work with the system, this demonstration helps us to figure out the right solution for you and your business, determining exactly which functionality within our construction software packages you will benefit from the most. We’ll guide you through the different modules which make up our system, explaining exactly how construction accounting software works and how you can benefit from the financial and commercial support it offers you. Once you’ve decided that Integrity Software is right for you, we’ll get to work planning and scheduling your installation and training. We’ll meet the employees you’ve selected to be trained in using the software, and agree how detailed the training will be and fix a go-live date so that you can begin your countdown.


The installation of our systems is handled entirely by Integrity: you need only give us a time that is convenient for you and we’ll come along and start setting you up. Once it’s installed, you and your team can run through the ‘test area’ to allow yourselves a chance to get to know your new system without disrupting any of your current data. This process acts as a sandbox, and allows you the chance to remember what you learnt during your training.


When everything is ready, we begin the process of preparing you and your team to use your construction software. Each user will receive professional user training notes, booklets, and expert advice from consultants who have an in-depth knowledge of construction. Online webinars will reinforce everything that you have learnt. Should you forget anything, this means you’ll be able to look through your books and notes or refresh your memory online, or even give our support line a call. Our specialist training programme, designed for both those who have used construction systems in the past and those who are entirely new to it, will run through the standard functionality of Evolution M, familiarising you with the software’s Microsoft Office integration, menu navigation and keyboard shortcuts. The training sessions typically take place over the course of a few weeks or months to coincide with when you would like to be live on your new system, after which time users will know the ins and outs of the system, including exactly how to use it and how to best benefit from it.

Going live

Once you and your team are informed, trained and ready to begin using your construction management software, all that is left to do is to set it ‘live.’ Most customers will link their ‘go live’ date into a weekly or monthly payroll run, but your main priority when choosing a date should be to keep disruption to a minimum. We’ll be with you when your new system goes live to make sure that everything goes according to plan, guaranteeing that the right people get paid at the right time and ensuring that all users of the system are comfortable with their new duties. Once the system is live and kicking, we’ll leave it with you – but not before checking if your users have any last minute worries or queries. Of course we’re not about to leave you on your own, as you’ll have the on-going assistance of our UK Support Team who are prepared to solve any problems you might have and control all of your software updates in future.

That really is all it takes – we work with you every step of the way and leave you to reap the benefits of a construction-specific software solution designed to make your job easier and your business run more smoothly. If you want to look at the benefits a construction accounts system could offer your business, contact one of our experts to book a free personalised demo here today.

Book your online demo

Complete the form below and a member of our team will be in touch to book you an online demonstration of our software.