A simple guide to report writing using Accounting Software
In business, there are plenty of essential administrative tasks that take up far more man-hours than we’d like.
If they can’t be avoided, either for legal or financial reasons, then you can still take steps to speed up these tasks with software. Construction accounting software has advanced significantly over the past decade, allowing even the smallest of construction companies to start automating many administrative tasks in an affordable manner. Integrity Software’s Evolution M is packed with features designed to save you time, from automatic CIS verification to budget alerts. One concern that some companies have with construction software is simply the sheer quantity of data that they have to manage. Turning thousands of numbers into figures that can be easily comprehended is the role of a financial report. Reporting is yet another time-consuming process that Evolution M can help with.
By using a single integrated system for all aspects of your business, financial reports can draw from multiple databases to bring you an accurate picture of your finances. Assembling these reports needn’t be a hassle. Evolution M software comes packaged with a number of report templates that can be automatically populated with your data. These standard report templates come in many forms, from day to day reports to an annual look at your company’s finances. Once generated, they can be printed or emailed with just a few clicks.
Enquiry screens
All enquiry screens within our construction accounting software can be exported to Excel or Word, pre-formatted, with just a single click. This is particularly useful if you want to keep a third party up to date with a current job or if you want to review a past job with directors or other staff members.
Report writer
Can’t find the right template for the job? Evolution M’s built in report writer is the tool you’re after. The report writer makes it easy for you to export the data you need into Excel and Word, and then you can tinker aesthetics and layout until you’ve fully assembled your bespoke report.
Live data
Evolution Corporate and Enterprise contain an additional reporting tool that’s incredibly powerful. Excel Automation populates a spreadsheet with live data from your systems. These spreadsheets automatically update when the spreadsheet is reopened or refreshed, giving managers and directors a fully up-to-date view of specific jobs or areas of the business. Tinker with Excel formulas and the software’s graph functions to create personalised reports that can be updated almost instantly as new data is inputted into Evolution M.
Using your data efficiently
Of course, data is only useful when it provides information. During the upgrade process, our training programme includes a section on reports. This enables staff to understand how to use Evolution M’s reporting system efficiently, so that you can be sure your financial reports provide useful, actionable information to help you operate your business more effectively.
Reporting is just one of the many functions of Evolution M. Find out more about the features offered in Evolution Standard, Corporate and Enterprise in our construction accounting software guide. If you have any further questions, give the Integrity Software team a call on 03453 40 30 40 or book a demo today.
About Integrity Software
We have been providing construction software solutions to UK and Irish construction businesses for more than 40 years, and our fully-integrated construction accounting software is used by more than 1,000 leading construction businesses.
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