
How to sell construction software internally

Keen to upgrade to construction-specific software? Then it’s time to convince the rest of your organisation that it’s worthwhile.

We know construction software is worth every penny and can provide you with the help and support you need to run a smooth and more efficient construction business, as do you, so who is left to convince? If you’re keen for your company to consider upgrading to construction software like our own, so that you can say goodbye to your generic accounts system and benefit from a package tailored to your industry specific needs but you’re yet to convince the person in charge of the purse strings, we can help. Here’s how to sell intelligent construction software to your organisation…

#1. Explain the disadvantages of generic software

There’s no doubting that you’re already well aware of the disadvantages of using a generic accounts system as you and the rest of your team are probably having to rely on it daily, but are others aware of the disadvantages it retains when compared to construction-specific software? Generic software can be perfectly functional but as it is designed for businesses of all different types, it is often not very suitable for everyday use in the construction sector because, while it might be able to automate some processes, it is likely manual entry will still be required for processes specific to your industry such as managing subcontractors, calculating correct tax requirements and collating detailed job costing analysis to name but a few. Generic software can lack versatility and often limits access and visibility to key members of your management and commercial teams.

#2. Highlight the benefits of construction-specific software

After explaining the disadvantages of a generic system, the benefits of construction-specific software should be obvious as the system offers functionality that generic solutions cannot match. The construction sector is reliant on detailed job costing data and CIS compliance, both of which a construction accounts software system can offer, and as the construction industry is governed by more strict, detailed government legislation than the majority of business sectors this is a clear advantage. Verifying subcontractors and ensuring they are appropriately paid the correct amount at the right time is also something that an intelligent software program such as our own Evolution M can offer to construction industry contractors.

#3. Discuss the impact it could have on your ROI

Time spent manually entering data can be costly as you are unable to turn your attention to elsewhere in the business. A construction-focused software solution would provide you with a variety of programs that could help you to speed up and simplify many day to day processes. The return on investment of a construction specific accounting system can also be provided by other areas of functionality such as document management. The ability to centrally store and share documents and files across the business allows money to be saved in areas such as postage costs associated with sending invoices and remittances, and time savings which reduce the amount of time staff spend looking for hard copies of documents.

#4. Demonstrate the simplicity of upgrading systems

It is likely that the person who has the final say on whether or not your organisation upgrades to a construction-specific accounts management software solution might be put off for fear of disrupting the business during the implementation process. At this point you ought to explain just how straightforward upgrading to a system like our own can be. Familiarise yourself with the seven steps it takes to upgrade to our Evolution software programs and convince the company’s decision makers of the ease of making this significant change. Many different construction industry contractors of all sizes and budgets already benefit from our software solutions, many of whom have shared their stories and experiences on our website. Why not read through the case studies on our website to find businesses who were faced with similar challenges to your own?

The team at Integrity Construction is more than happy to help and offer any further advice or information you might require both before and after upgrading, so get in touch today and let’s bring your company up-to-date.