After a strong referral from Blaze Construction in Hampshire, Rockstone Surfacing Ltd requested a demonstration of Evolution M. Having seen some of the other providers in the marketplace, it was clear to the team at Rockstone that Evolution M would give them the integrated solution they required. Evolution M will enable them to move away from their current generic accounting solution and numerous spreadsheets to deliver a seamless integrated product without the need for bolt-on’s or extra third party software.
A key factor in their decision to sign up for Evolution M was the number of well-established customers who already work with Evolution M in Rockstone’s region. This established presence in the market place gives Rockstone confidence in the package they have purchased, safe in the knowledge that they are buying a respected and trusted solution for their business.
We look forward to developing a long-term partnership with Rockstone and working with them for a successful implementation in the coming weeks and months.
If you would like a demonstration on how Evolution M can help you implement integrated construction job costing and account management software for your business, call us today on 03453 40 30 40 or book your demo today.