Global Specialist in protective coating, architectural, insulation and scaffolding solutions - Barrier Group – sign multi-company deal, to adopt Integrity platforms across the group.
Newcastle based Barrier Group is a diverse business, to suit the diverse need of its clients. The group of companies serve Oil and Gas, Defence, Marine, Petrochemical, Renewable Energy and other Infrastructure sectors.
Historically, it concentrated on passive fire protection of stadia, bridges, hotels, car parks, rail, tankers, cranes, power facilities and offshore facilities but this has now transgressed multi-nationally across 22 countries, offering thermal spray coatings, deck systems, powder coating, façade cladding, rain screen systems, modular construction, HVAC services & maintenance, specialist access and all manner of other civil and containment works.
After a review of the internal processes of each company, the Group realised it could benefit from improved reporting, systemisation of its procurement methods for material and subcontract activity, form capture for human resources and digitisation of invoice processing function. With Evolution Mx, the business could manage UK, Eire and its satellite operations with support of each business function within a single system.
The Integrity team look forward to supporting Barrier Group for many years to come.