Therma-Mech Ltd are one of the UK's fastest growing businesses within the district heating installation market. The company design and build district heat schemes, which supply residential & commercial customers with hot water and heat produced at a local energy centre and distributed via a District Heat Network. Therma-Mech currently employ around 30 people in the UK, and since formation in 2013 have grown rapidly, with a turnover in the last financial year of £4M.
Late last year attention turned to replacing their general accounting solution with industry specific construction management software. Evolution M will help to free up MD Rob Smart and Accountant Richard Hodges’s time by offering immediate, real-time visibility of contract profitability by project phase.
They have adopted a single user system initially, and supplemented the core Financials Suite with the Document Management, Materials & Sub-contractor Purchase Orders, Plant Management and Excel Automation & Dashboards modules.
If you would like more information on the benefits of upgrading to construction specific Evolution M, call us today on 03543 403040 or +353 (01) 435 8531 or contact us here.