Founded in 1987 as a small construction company managing home extensions and refurbishments, the Inside Out Group have grown to a £10m turnover company focusing on Construction, Electrical and Renewable Energy projects for a large range of clients including the MOD.
Dale Barrett, Operations Director and his team required an integrated construction specific, functionally rich application to support their future growth plans. Control of job costings and access to documentation instantly was a fundamental requirement moving forwards. Having researched the offerings in the market including generic accounts solutions they quickly realised that Evolution M’s award winning accounting product of the year met of all their needs.
We look forward to continuing our strong relationship with Inside Out Developments and working with them to implement Evolution M in the coming months. If you would like to see how Evolution M can help your business be prepared for future growth, contact us today or call +44 (0) 3453 40 30 40 or +353 (01) 435 8531.