J. Vaughan Electrical Contractors Ltd switch on to Evolution M

Integrity Software would like to welcome J. Vaughan Electrical Contractors Ltd to our ever growing customer base of top Irish contractors.

For over 35 years, the Dublin based company has provided a full range of services from “design and build” packages to installation, fit-out, maintenance and 24 hour on-call services to all areas of the construction sector ranging from Commercial and Retail to Industrial and Healthcare.
Following a number of years using a generic Sage accounting system for company accounts, Vaughan Electrical realised that a fully integrated system that could be used by all the various team members and departments was needed to consolidate their project cost information and provide real time reporting. Vaughan’s projected growth plans required the need to underpin the business by installing a single source, user friendly system, helping to reduce admin and data checking, while streamlining processes for Procurement and Subcontractor RCT processing. Following a detailed consultation and evaluation process of each of Vaughan Electricals requirements, Integrity Software are now delighted to be their preferred software provider for our award winning Evolution M software. We look forward to working closely alongside their team into the future.

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