G M Developments are one of South West London’s leading builders of high quality, prestige projects, and they have joined the long list of Integrity Software customers making the switch to our cloud-hosted service.
Choosing our cloud-hosted service means they will benefit from us taking responsibility to make regular backups of their software. Not only does this give them peace of mind, but it eliminates the need for a member of their team to visit the office to take a backup from the server. This is ideal with employees largely working remotely.
Easier remote access to the software is another key benefit, and using our cloud-hosted service users can log in from wherever they are in the world, all they need is access to a web browser.
Customers who have already made the switch to cloud-hosting are saving thousands on the running and maintenance of servers and other hardware, too. Cloud hosting is ideal for businesses looking to scale quickly too, as adding new users is quick and easy.
If you’d like to find out more about our cloud hosting service please contact us today.